There are three tenets in the world of GridBloc which hold true in both Basic or Advanced gameplay. 1. We Believe in The Game Board. There are an infinite number of gameboards in this thing called GridBloc. Some are simple, some quite challenging. The gameboard contains a Start Space, marked with a star, amid a field of tiles which may all be the same shape (such as the square of Basic Games) or mixed shapes, and an arbitrary set of initial walls, called original walls. 2. We Believe in Turn-Based Game Play. Player One will run in the first round, and Player Two will block in the first round. Runner moves first, one step in any direction including diagonal, from the Start Space. Here's some important points for runners and blockers alike to note:
3. And Also the Scoring and Winning. Here's some equally important points to know about scoring (Heh Heh ... points ... scoring ... Man, I'm a riot, I tells ya! Don't forget to tip your waitresses. You've been great. I mean it. The best audience I've had in weeks and you can tell those other jerks I said that!).
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